Room 3

Room 3
We have started our week with enthusiasm and excitement. Our class photo was taken outside the Intermediate Inquiry Room. We have started our Inquiry about "The Treaty of Waitangi." Students came up with many questions and are working in their groups researching information. I hope parents and whanau are playing the place value maths homework activities.

Student Blog Links

Friday, 28 August 2015

Kite Flying

After completing an inquiry into the history and design of kites, we finally got to build and fly our kites. There wasn't as much wind as we would have liked, but lots of fun was had by all. Hopefully we'll get a chance next week to make repairs and modifications and try again. Putting our Kite making to the Test! Putting our Kite making to the Test! on PhotoPeach

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great technology project - I know Louis had a lot of fun completing the process. Hopefully there will be a bit more wind next week.
