Room 3

Room 3
We have started our week with enthusiasm and excitement. Our class photo was taken outside the Intermediate Inquiry Room. We have started our Inquiry about "The Treaty of Waitangi." Students came up with many questions and are working in their groups researching information. I hope parents and whanau are playing the place value maths homework activities.

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Sunday, 30 August 2015

Kite Making

As part of our Inquiry/ technology unit we designed, made and flew a kite each. We had to:
- bring our own materials
- write a procedure in steps
- design a kite that was realistic and would most likely fly
- fly our kite


  1. The students were certainly engaged in this challenge.

  2. Fantastic effort there kids. Looks like great fun. If only the wind had been helping you all out a little more :-) - Paul Lee (Pipers Dad)

  3. What an exciting time you all had. If only the wind was a little more co-operative!! Love all the kites.
