Room 3

Room 3
We have started our week with enthusiasm and excitement. Our class photo was taken outside the Intermediate Inquiry Room. We have started our Inquiry about "The Treaty of Waitangi." Students came up with many questions and are working in their groups researching information. I hope parents and whanau are playing the place value maths homework activities.

Student Blog Links

Thursday 26 March 2015

Caritas Sleepout

A group of our Year 8 students took up the challenge to sleep out at school last night to raise awareness of the plight of others less fortunate than us around the world. The sleep out was to raise funds for the Caritas 'Build Back Better' programme that is helping people in the Philippines rebuild their lives after another natural disaster.


  1. How brave you all were! Hope you managed some sleep.

  2. Wow that looks like great fun. It's very nice of all of you to be helping out the poor people who are homeless.

  3. Wow that looks like great fun. It's very nice of all of you to be helping out the poor people who are homeless.

  4. I like how you are all so brave to sleep outside. I hope you got some sleep ready for school tomorrow

  5. It was a great and very hot night, all of the year 8 and I hard time getting to sleep but in the end we all fell asleep or most of, Hunna and I only got to sleep close to morning, it was a great time and I would love to do it again.

  6. Well done YR8's for toughing it out!

  7. brave Y8s i like that

  8. wow yous are so brave ill be to scared to

  9. cool. What are you doing? It sounds fun
