Room 3

Room 3
We have started our week with enthusiasm and excitement. Our class photo was taken outside the Intermediate Inquiry Room. We have started our Inquiry about "The Treaty of Waitangi." Students came up with many questions and are working in their groups researching information. I hope parents and whanau are playing the place value maths homework activities.

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Thursday 26 March 2015

Night time swim in school pool

Our Yr8 students thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to have a dip in the warm pool thanks to the pool cover) before heading to their beds last night at the Caritas sleep out.


  1. Great photos. Well done on surviving the night together. Great experience swimming in the dark - thanks to the Home and School for the pool cover!!

  2. What a lot of fun that looks. Did Mrs Neilson or Miss O'Sullivan brave the water??

  3. Cool that looks fun.

  4. I love the photo with all the photos.
