Room 3

Room 3
We have started our week with enthusiasm and excitement. Our class photo was taken outside the Intermediate Inquiry Room. We have started our Inquiry about "The Treaty of Waitangi." Students came up with many questions and are working in their groups researching information. I hope parents and whanau are playing the place value maths homework activities.

Student Blog Links

Sunday 29 March 2015

Palm Sunday Liturgy at St Pater Chanel Church

On Sunday, a group of our Year 8 students were involved in a depiction of the Gospel about Jesus' trial and death. 

  Their portrayal brought the gospel to life for the congregation.


  1. Great to see a liturgy being acted out at school - makes it so much more memorable and special for the students. Well done room03@stm

  2. Well done Room will cherish these memories..they are very important.
    Ms C
